While the endless, grinding Brexit non-information sounds as if we’re about to be (forcibly) separated from the rest of the world – the world of children’s books is all about sharing our best books with the rest of the world.
Let’s look on the bright side!
The London Book Fair and the Bologna Book Fair – just finished – are all about finding publishers in the rest of the world for books originated in the UK.
Here are some colourful examples – from left to right:
The Estonian edition of Magnus Fin and the Ocean Quest by Janis Mackay, the French edition of Beaky Malone: World’s Greatest Liar by Barry Hutchison (illustrations by Katie Abey Design), the Spanish edition of Sam Swann’s Movie Mysteries: The Tomb of Doom by Tanya Landman (illustrations by Daniel Hunt), and the Polish edition of Trouble next Door by Chris Higgins (illustrations by Emily Mackenzie illustration.)
The original publishers were, in the same order Floris Books, Stripes, Walker Books and Bloomsbury.