Useful Resources
Find out more about writing and illustration and the publishing industry

Almond Press
A Curated List of Creative Writing Competitions, Contests and Awards
The Forest for the Trees: An Editor’s Advice to Writers
Betsy Lerner, Published by Riverhead Books
Betsy Lerner is a knowing and sympathetic coach
The Bookseller
The trade magazine – reviews, previews, opinion, news coverage – available in some libraries and by subscription
House of Illustration
This is the UK’s only public gallery dedicated to illustration and the graphic arts, founded by Sir Quentin Blake
Google It!
The internet is full of fascinating information – blogs, author websites, agency websites, publisher websites, Twitter, Instagram… Don’t believe everything you read – but you’ll find the answer to many of your questions online.
An on-line news service for the trade – updated daily, articles largely accessible only to subscribers
Books for Keeps
A long-established on-line children’s book magazine with reviews and articles
Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook
Anybody who’s interested in the world of publishing, let alone looking for ways to be published, should get hold of a copy of this remarkable resource, published by Bloomsbury. There are contact details for publishers and agents, essays by published writers on all kinds of publishing-related subjects and sections on all kinds of writing.
Reading this book will save you a great deal of time and trouble.
Updated annually, copies should be available through your local library services, but given the range of information it offers, it could be the best investment you ever make.
There’s also an on-line resource.
Children’s Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook
A companion to the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook, published by Bloomsbury, but tailored for writers and illustrators for children.
Updated annually, highly recommended.
Books for Keeps
A long-established on-line children’s book magazine with reviews and articles
Into the Woods – How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them
John Yorke, Published by Penguin
An inspiring and practical read for writers of all kinds
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Stephen King, Published by New English Library
Yes – the Stephen King. This is full of practical, down to earth guidance from one of the industry’s most successful writers.
Submitting your work
If you’re seeking representation from Fraser Ross Associates, here’s how to submit your work
About Fraser Ross Associates
Our Literary Agency is proud to represent outstanding writers and illustrators